Monday, September 16, 2013

Try Cooking With Real Garlic!

Fresh Garlic Braid | Gilroy Garlic

Fresh Off The Braid!

When it comes to cooking with garlic, I do not like to mess around. When you go to your local grocery stores, it is hard to find some real, fresh garlic that is right off the braid. Most of the time, they do not even offer whole cloves for sale; you have to buy them out of a jar. When it comes to garlic, you want it fresh and not processed because it will remove a lot of the nutrients that benefit your health. Also, I enjoy having that fresh taste and the freedom to use my garlic cloves in any way I want!

I have been searching the entire web for the best garlic braids because once you try them fresh off the braid, you will instantly realize the differences in taste and even the smell. A lot of the time, I will buy a braid and let it sit in the kitchen as a decoration while I consume the braid slowly! You will be surprised with the amount of comments you receive for having a fresh garlic braid hanging in your kitchen. People actually think I am a gourmet chef just because of it haha! They are pretty amazing to look at and even better to consume. I highly recommend any garlic lover to try it fresh if they haven't already. Also a little tip from a true garlic fanatic, garlic from Gilroy, California is the best (well it is the garlic capital of the world).

I have found some high quality garlic braids that are seasonally harvested from Gilroy off of this website and at a great price too. They also come with a ribbon and card that look good when placed in your kitchen.

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